Founded in the United States by Joseph Smith Jr. in 1830, the Latter-day Saints regard Christ as the head of their church and count themselves as Christians, but do not consider themselves part of the Catholic, Orthodox, ... Latter Day Saints tended to vote in blocks, giving them a degree of political influence wherever they settled, and they purchased vast amounts of land in which to establish settlements that threatened the previous residents of the community.
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Kirtland resident Joseph Smith, Jr., founder and prophet of the Church of Latter-day Saints,1 who had produced The Book of Mormon five years earlier based on claimed translations from gold plates inscribed in “Reformed Egyptian,” took an immediate interest in the .... An intermediate 1838 revision had spelled “Latterday” as “Latter Day.” 2. .... The August 1968 continuation derides the careers of T. Devéria, J. Peters, A. C. Mace, A. M. Lythgoe, G. Barton, E. Banks and E. A. W. Budge<wbr>.
Warren Parrish, who had been an officer in Smith`s bank and member of his congregation, and who had renounced Mormonism, was quoted in The Painesville Republican on February 22, 1838 as saying: “I have listened to him (Smith) with feelings of no ordinary kind, when he declared that the audible voice of God instructed ... The Mormons continued their westward migration, and settled in Nauvoo, Illinois, in 1839, where Joseph Smith bought 18,000 acres of land.
The Joseph Smith Revelations by H. Michael Marquardt. 8. Early Church of. Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Period, April 1838-November 1843. [p.289] At Far West, Missouri, vacancies in the Quorum of Twelve Apostles, caused by apostasy, ... Verrily [Verily] I say unto you all; arise and shine forth that thy light may be a standard for the nations and that thy gathering to-gether upon the land of Zion and upon her stakes may be for a defence and for a reffuge [refuge] from the storm and& ...
Founded in the United States by Joseph Smith Jr. in 1830, the Latter-day Saints regard Christ as the head of their church and count themselves as Christians, but do not consider themselves part of the Catholic, Orthodox, ... Latter Day Saints tended to vote in blocks, giving them a degree of political influence wherever they settled, and they purchased vast amounts of land in which to establish settlements that threatened the previous residents of the community.
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